110 Excellent Biology Research Topics to Write About

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Students often face difficult academic assignment, which must be completed in a few weeks or even days. The biology research topics are aimed at providing useful information on certain biology research essay topics, together with statistics and figures. Writing a research paper in biology requires time and knowledge. Moreover, once dealing with a bunch of topics for biology students, it is highly important to choose the one you can deal with submitting an excellent paper in the end.

A List of Biology Research Topics

  • Genetic Researches Biology Topics
  • Neurobiology Topics
  • Molecular Biology Topics
  • Easy Biology Topics to Research
  • Bioremediation Topics
  • Behaviour and Hormones Topics
  • Human cloning Biology Topics
  • Immune System Biology Research Topics
  • Antibiotic Resistance Biology Topics
  • Topics on the History of Biology
  • Bonus: 10 Newest Biology Research Topics

Biology research is a complex analytical work that is presented in clear findings and numerous biological occurrences’ explanations. This type of research paper requires an attention-grabbing, appealing, and essential topic. It is important to choose a proper theme among interesting biology topics. We have analyzed a wide variety of topics for a biology research paper and got a list of the 110 biology research paper topics every student can use.

Genetic Researches Biology Topics

  1. The improvement of abortion law in the USA
  2. The ethical aspects of experiments with stem cells
  3. The biological perceptions of abortion
  4. Genetic disorders and related treatment
  5. DNA’s structure: infographics and explanation
  6. Modern technology of DNA analysis
  7. Human cloning science perspectives
  8. The way human cloning can change medicine
  9. The phenomenon of DNA-modified organisms
  10. The role of genetic in sex orientation preferences

Neurobiology Topics

  1. The top models of orientation in the visual cortex
  2. The influence of music on the human brain
  3. Robotic technologies and neuroscience
  4. The improvement of brain activity
  5. The ways to improve human memory
  6. The gut bacteria influence the human brain
  7. Neuron functioning: proteins and genes role
  8. Brain injuries and familial disorders
  9. The reasons for a migraine
  10. The innovations in neurobiology

Molecular Biology Topics

  1. The shortage of raw metals’ reasons
  2. The role of genetically modified crops for the economy
  3. The ways to conduct a molecular biology research
  4. The behavioral epigenetics phenomenon
  5. The molecular evidence of human’s origin
  6. The personal genome in modern medicine
  7. The role of stem cell treatment in medicine
  8. The use of genetics for lifetime prolongation
  9. Danger experiments on human DNA
  10. Molecular biology in cancer treatment

Easy Biology Topics to Research

  1. Animal behavior caused by ecological factors
  2. The role of the environment in human behavior
  3. The threat of global warming
  4. The mechanism of resistance in animals
  5. The reason for environmental changes
  6. Fast food factory danger activity and outcomes
  7. Animal behavior caused by evolutionary factors
  8. Environmental psychology
  9. The top ways of wildfire protection
  10. The increasing problem of extinction

Bioremediation Topics

  1. The phenomenon of bioremediation
  2. The bioremediation education science
  3. Groundwater remediation
  4. The bioremediation method’s explanation
  5. Bioremediation of hazardous wastes
  6. The innovations in bioremediation
  7. Oil spill bioremediation: ways and tools
  8. The improvement of ecology with bioremediation
  9. Groundwater bioremediation: the mechanism and tools
  10. Oil spill bioremediation protocol

Behaviour and Hormones Topics

  1. The role of various hormones in our body
  2. The deficit of what hormone can destroy a life
  3. The hormones disorder and constant depression
  4. The biological basis of hormonal disorder
  5. The bipolar disorder: reasons and treatment
  6. The oxytocin science phenomenon
  7. Hormonal therapy’s top methods
  8. How to improve metabolism?
  9. Psychopathic disorders and hormones
  10. Mental disorders: gender specification

Human cloning Biology Topics

  1. Human cloning: science perspectives and ways
  2. The phenomenon of human cloning
  3. The ethical aspects of human cloning
  4. The first experiments with human cloning in the world
  5. Should the authority make a cloning legal?
  6. The way human cloning can change medicine
  7. The phenomenon of human cloning in the US
  8. Famous scientists about human cloning
  9. The importance of cloning for future generations
  10. The tools and mechanisms of human cloning

Immune System Biology Research Topics

  1. The body’s resistance capabilities
  2. The influence of immunotherapy on body
  3. The prevention of great rejection
  4. The ethical aspects of transplantation
  5. The improved methods of transplantation
  6. The importance of vaccination in the modern era
  7. The main reasons for epidemics
  8. The reasons for immune system disorders
  9. Immunotherapy and stress relief
  10. The human immune system: infographics

Antibiotic Resistance Biology Topics

  1. The reason for antibiotic resistance
  2. The effect of antibiotics in the human body
  3. The ways to improve antibiotic effects
  4. The illnesses caused by antibiotic resistance
  5. The role of volatile antibiotics
  6. The development of antibiotic resistance
  7. The ways to prevent antibiotic resistance
  8. The dormancy explanation and infographics
  9. The pathogenesis of antibiotic resistance agent
  10. The antibiotic resistance and medicine

Topics on the History of Biology

  1. Evolution factors: the short characteristic
  2. The history of genetics in figures
  3. The explanation of Darwin’s theory
  4. The forgotten branches of biology
  5. The innovations in biology
  6. The most famous scientists
  7. The history of vaccination
  8. Edward Jenner and his fight against epidemics
  9. Genome and molecular evolution
  10. The top scientific tools in biology

Bonus: 10 Newest Biology Research Topics

  1. The known DNA modifications in humans
  2. The study of neurobiology: robotics
  3. The new perspectives of Darwin’s theory
  4. Effects of probiotics in the prevention of infections
  5. Absorption of heavy metals by plants and microbes
  6. Targeted therapy in cancer treatment
  7. The moral aspects of human cloning
  8. Famous experiments with human cloning
  9. The future of neurobiology and related technologies
  10. The reasons for genetic disorders and the environment’s role

How to choose a good research topic from the list above?

How to choose a good researc topic in biology

When choosing among various Researchable Topics for Biology, choose the one you can write about, and can provide strong arguments, supporting evidence, and clear findings. This type of research paper requires a scientific approach and a detailed explanation of every analyzed phenomenon and event. Select your topic once using the provided list of 110 biology research paper topics or come up with your own theme for a biology research paper. The biology students can choose any topic, if it was not assigned by a college or university tutor.


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